My Story

Hello fellow Americans and welcome! Do you know how our political system works? Neither do I! Let’s find out together.

All joking aside, one of the largest issues in America today is the people not understanding how the government works. I mean, we get an introduction in school, but where does that get us? We forget every detail from high school, except maybe the best days we had…which normally didn’t involve much school at all, much less politics.

Washington MonumentThis blog is here to help refresh our memories. I will be discussing the structure of our government, political discord between public servants, current events, and even at some points the history behind why we are the way we are. Why do we have an electoral college based on state population? Why does the President get 4 year terms and the Supreme Court Justices get life? Come with me on the journey to political savvy, break down that barrier to entry and make your voice heard! The US Census Bureau estimated that there were 245.5 million Americans ages 18 and older during the 2016 Presidential election. Do you know how many people voted? 138 million. That means nearly half of all Americans over the age of 18 voted. Imagine what would happen if we all did!

If you want to support me in my efforts to Politicize the Masses, you can subscribe to get notifications of new blog posts! You can also follow me on social media (you can hear about new posts there too btw). I don’t want to just have a blog, I want to build a community of people from different walks of life. The only way to have a true understanding of the world is to learn through each other. Together we can politicize the masses.

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