President Trump Rally
Current Events,  Politics

President Trump Did What He Does Best. Rally Up

If you were not aware, Donald Trump is our President. Of course, I’m sure you did know that, even if that’s the only thing you knew about American government. His name is everywhere.

On Tuesday, June 18th 2019, President Donald Trump officially announced that he would be running for reelection in 2020 in Orlando, Florida. It’s funny that he is doing so officially now, since he had actually filed for reelection the day after he was inaugurated in January 2017. BUT that’s beside the point, he had a rally.

It was truly a sight to be seen, I mean the amount of support this man has is incredible. I doubt I will EVER have that many people cheer for me, so that has got to feel good. I had respect for the way he came onto the stage, as he graciously thanked his Vice President Mike Pence, his First Lady Melania, and the state of Florida for hosting his rally cough speech.

That being said, there were quite a few things that he said during his speech that hit me the wrong way. And by a few, I mean most of the speech. Let’s begin:

1. So WHY are you talking about Hilary Clinton?

I don’t recall her announcing her 2020 campaign. This is old news by now, no one is focused on what happened between you and Hilary (except for all those hacked emails, but let’s not worry about that right now). It makes one wonder if he even knows any other names of his potential opponents except for his coined term “Sleepy Joe.” Not to forget the fact that as President Trump was talking about “Crooked Hilary” there was an astounding number of chants calling to “Lock her up.” It was disturbing to witness.

2. He CLAIMED to be the toughest on Russia compared to others….without really explaining what that means?

I don’t know how you can be the toughest on Russia while also accepting campaign intelligence on his opponent. Secondly, he didn’t seem so tough during his meeting with Putin in the Helsinki 2018 summit. President Trump proudly reported that “Our relationship has never been worse than it is now. However, that changed as of about four hours ago. I really believe that.” (CNN Politics)

3. His general claims towards the Democrats were simply incorrect.

First of all, he claims that Democrats want to “erase our votes” when in fact it’s the exact opposite. Democrats want to put more power into individual voters hands and have Electoral College reform. I mean this sentiment was emitted from a President who lost the popular vote. Why would he want to give individual voters more power? Secondly, he states that Democrats have hatred and prejudices, but failed to make claim as to what they are. Mr. President, didn’t you advocate to build a wall to keep people out of America?

4. Something really shocking was the President comparing himself to George Washington.

His claim was that he has appointed the most federal judges in Presidential history, second only to George Washington who appointed all the judges. Cool? But you also appointed Brett Kavanaugh, and publicly claimed that he’s an innocent man. Yeah, I have nothing else to say about that one.

5. The President is under the impression that he’s the reason the economy is doing so well.

I don’t know if he knows this, but the economy takes time to see changes from actions taken to improve it. And I would like to ask what he has done to improve the economy? Removed regulations and created tax cuts for the extremely wealthy? That doesn’t help the people you advocated for during your first campaign. At all. It helps the 1% of people in the world, including Jeff Bezos and Amazon which did not pay one single penny of federal tax on $11.2 billion profits.

Really, there’s too much to make a case for every crazy argument he made during his speech, but the overall sentiment was much the same. American nationalism, screw immigrants, Russia something, MAGA, and lie after lie after lie that the crowd ATE up every word of.

OH last thing, did you hear the new campaign slogan? It’s not “Make America Great Again”… it’s “Keep America Great.” I don’t think that’s going to sit well with people who aren’t experiencing this great America he claims he’s created. Well, besides that, you’re more than welcome to check out his whole speech for yourself here!

Let me know what you think about the speech, if anything I said doesn’t sound right to you feel free to comment! This piece was a little more left leaning than I intend the rest of my posts to be, but I think you can agree that it does get a little difficult to be unbiased when you’re passionate about what you believe.

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